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Welcome To Our Harvest Family

At Harvest Revival Center, we are passionate about igniting revival in our generation. We are actively contending for a genuine move of God, with a deep desire to expand the Kingdom of God by embracing the principle of 'each one reaching one.' Our mission is to train and equip disciples of Jesus Christ while faithfully proclaiming the Gospel to the lost. Our heart's desire is that none should perish, but that all may come to experience the everlasting life found in our Lord Jesus Christ.


SUNDAY: 10:30 AM

Check the calendar as we host many conferences and special services.

The body of Christ is not a building but the gathering of believers. We believe that finding family leads to discovering purpose and ultimately transforming the world. As the body of Christ, we are hungry for a great revival and committed to training and equipping the body of Christ for the days ahead.

Our Harvest Revival Center community spans the greater Dayton area, with many traveling over an hour to join our gatherings. We have many others that join us for conferences and other brothers and sisters throughout the country joining us each week online. Our services are often longer, as we prioritize the Holy Spirit's presence to minister to our hearts, minds, and bodies. We believe transformation happens in God's presence and seek to cultivate it through worship, preaching, and teaching the Word.


Harvest Revival Center

1488 Johnsville Brookville Rd.

Brookville, OH 45309