A Measure Of Faith

Jesus encountered various levels of faith in his ministry. Great faith was exemplified by the centurion soldier who requested that Jesus only speak the word so that his servant would be healed.  A woman with an issue of blood believed that if she touched the hem of his garment that she would be healed. Greatly distressed by his son’s demon possession,  a man asks for Jesus to help his unbelief.  Three levels of faith that represent a low level, a mid-level, and the highest level of belief. 

One day while mulling over these comparisons of faith, I heard, “What do they have in common?”  What? They don’t have anything in common, was my reaction. You have amazing faith, a good faith, and a barely hanging on by his fingernails faith. I found the question baffling, but then the answer came.  They all received healing.  Jesus met everyone at their point of faith. If they had any faith at all, he met them at the place where their faith was able to connect to Him. 

We are, of course, supposed to grow in faith and sometimes our struggle to attain our answer causes us to reach a faith beyond where we currently are.  The example for this is the gentile woman who sought Jesus to heal her daughter. She was at first rejected because she wasn’t Jewish, but persisted in seeking with the statement, “Yes, but even the dogs eat crumbs from the master's table.” However, in her persistence, she received her miracle.

 I think there are implications here for those called into healing ministry to be able to meet the individual in whatever state of faith they find themselves.

Jean Copas 


Standing In Prayer For Our Nation


Believing for Big Thinking: Feb 17-20